Monday, June 30, 2008

memories as evolution

I woke up thinking about memories and how they define life. I “saw” colours as the energy of my life, and not just from this lifetime but all lifetimes. It was not unlike a kaleidoscope where the colours are already set and each small turn changes the pattern and colour combination and presents an entirely new picture of the energy of me. This is what each lifetime does. A fractal of each lifetime is to take each experience in this present lifetime as a miniscule turn of the kaleidoscope’s tube as symbolic of a lesson learned. With each lesson learned I move myself forward and the pattern of colours change as my energy expands with learning. This was so clear to me this morning and when I sit here to put physical words to translate energy, the words feel clumsy and confining in a way. But it is in the writing down that keeps me grounded by making my thoughts physical so really I am taking the energy of memory and making it physical by writing. It is my perception that makes the point of reference for my energy and my perception is infused with experiences of lessons learned….therefore it is my relationship to my memories that I come to my understanding of life ….meaning that my understanding is through my senses and then I can have a relationship with my memories.

What I am saying here is that my memories define me….(define all of us… and therein lies our individuality). I am the sum of my memories as energy. It is all the experiences I have had throughout “lifetimes” that offer me a tremendous depth of knowledge (memory) and I think of this as having all the wisdom of the universe available to me.

All I have to do is know who I am (as energy and matter) and to do this I have to live personal responsibility to examine self, my creations (experiences) and clear out/away all negative thinking so I can “know thyself” and open my mind to all memories to live the behaviour of all the ethical values. This is the value of studying Spiritual Philosophy ( in learning that I am eternal as energy and as I open my mind I feel the balancing effect of the loving emotions coming into play and memories begin to come in and relationships are made. It is the most comforting learning I have ever experienced. When I say “all I have to do is know who I am…” it sounds a bit glib but it is the most exciting mind traveling I have ever done and it is evolution because the change occurs in how I am thinking. This changes everything!

I create memories by physical experiences and I stimulate them through my senses. I have gone back through this life and looked at various experiences I created and have asked myself why. In asking “why” my mind opens and in my growing understanding of who I am my perceptions have changed. What was once a drama is now valued for what I learned from it. This is how the analogy of the kaleidoscope works for me. I have learned and therefore changed my perception through understanding. This shift in thinking changes my internal and external energy field. It is the movement of my mind that changes my energy. This is the changing colours of the kaleidoscope of the energy of my mind.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Neural depolarization helped to heal my nerves

Earlier this morning Ii was sharing a quiet moment and cup of coffee with a friend and she made a comment about toes wiggling looked amusing or funny. This simple comment stirred me to remember when I could not open my toes or wiggle them without manual manipulation. I recall looking down at my feet years ago and seeing the muscle wastage and the limpness of digits and thinking they looked like they had been bound for years.

I found this speech i had given years ago now and thought i would air it again. I have written this story many times over the years. I continue to have NDP and am always amazed at the sensations i feel within my energy (nervous system). My gratitude is deep for the power of this therapy and what it has offered me and for what it has offered others.

My story:

Background: (briefly)
I want to tell a little story…a story of healing.
I was 24 years old and traveling through Europe. I had arranged a teaching job in Africa and as such, had to have a cholera injection. The cholera serum was contaminated and a virus began to wreck havoc in my right kidney and nervous system…particularly the peripheral nerves. My first indication that something was amiss was coming through the gym and jumping to touch the rings that were hanging down. My head sent the signal and I felt my body went through the motions but my feet did not leave the floor. I got such a shock, that I tried again and it was obvious the message was not being received by my legs. This began a round of doctors and tests. I had manipulation under anesthetic to no avail, other than to feel sore. I had 8 myliograms in 2 months, which showed no obvious obstruction in the spine. All the time my limbs are getting weaker and I am beginning to lose a lot of weight. It was not long before the numbness began and then the tremors began to become noticeable. Feeding myself was a challenge, as I could not hold a cup in one hand. It became obvious that I could not continue to work.

It was about this time that my mother sensed something amiss with me and said she was flying over from new Zealand to Johannesburg…in south Africa. There was a flurry of writing as I tried to prepare her for my skinny self…and a brief update on what was going on with me. I collected my mother from Jan Smutts airport and from there I went straight into hospital.
It was a teaching hospital in Jo’burg (RSA) where I underwent more tests. There were a lot of suggestions as to what was wrong with me….a lot of labels were bandied about and I was not enthralled with any of them. It was obvious that the myelin sheath was disintegrating. This is what surrounds the nerve. so I ‘settled’ for a label of peripheral neuritis….rather than other more ominous diagnoses. I was told that I might have a couple of years before I would require a wheelchair. I was given a high dose of cortisone.

That was my life 26 years ago.

Over the intervening years I have tried a lot of ‘therapies’ from western medicine, I have been pumped full of cortisone, done physical therapy. I have experienced eastern medicine and I have swallowed potions made eye or nwut and chicken lips looks appetizing. I have tried acupuncture. I have gone through a lot of body work and energy therapies and massage. It was suggested that I sit under and orange blanket and say om.

I have always been conscious of the value of nutrition so that required minor tweaking. I have done visualization and meditation. There is not much I have not tried from mainstream western medical to eastern medical to alternative therapies over the past twenty years.

Enter Kathy Oddenino and the neural depolarization therapy. Let me explain how this has changed my life step by step if I can.

These past four years are the first time in 25 years that I have been able to feel my legs while shaving them. It is the first time I have tried on shoes and been able to feel the fit correctly. It is the first time I have been able to run with confidence that my legs would not give out from under me. It is the first time in a quarter of a century that I have been able to walk bare-footed on a beach and actually feel the texture of the sand move under my feet. It is the first time I have been able to open my toes and wiggle them. This is the power of neural depolarization.

Kathy began to work on my nerves and I could feel the heat and the vibration and the movement of energy going through me. I could hear the snap, and often times feel like a slippery movement occurred as a nerve depolarized and then the surging warmth going through what felt like, frozen nerves. As Kathy began to work on my sciatic nerve I felt nothing initially. Then it began; the pain. A spinning pain. It felt like I was having a root canal done in my leg. My nerve was unwinding.I was in much discomfort over then next few weeks. But…The pain delighted me as I then had confirmation that the nerve was alive…and I was able to feel. It took a month of consistent work to fully depolarize the nervous system and to be able to shave and feel exactly where the razor was on my leg. This was excitement indeed! I have no tremors. I have feeling in my legs and sense the myelin sheath has regenerated. This makes sense as Kathy is using her electromagnetic energy as jumper cables to my nervous system to stimulate growth.

I have used nutrition and knowledge as part of my health rĂ©gime and the neural depolarization has been the most incredible gift I could have been given….exposed to. The power of this technique is beyond my ability to articulate more than I have done. I am living the healing.
There is not much I have not tried from mainstream western medical to eastern medical to alternative therapies over the past twenty years. The gentle power of neural depolarization work has done more for me than anything else I have been able to find anywhere in the world.