Thursday, November 15, 2007
fractal growing awareness
To speak of the physical body is to relate it directly to Nature, Earth and Universe. The body’s cellular integrity is directly related to how we are thinking and what emotions we are using. All is One. For example, Nature is designed to sustain the physical body. The pure chemicals of Nature, nurture the emotional self and the thinking mind, which also support the physical matter. This is the relationship of Earth to our emotions and the health of All.
We breathe, inspire, in-spirit.. Our breath nourishes the blood; this nourishes the cells and all chemicals taken in (food, water, air) nurture the nervous system. The quality and quantity of the chemicals either allows movement of the mind into the loving emotions, to become reflected into physical body and our energy field, or not. The physical action of the diaphragm when breathing deeply helps to nourish the nerves coming from the spinal column, and the walking action of the body “massages” the spine and helps to re-hydrate and move the fluid from brain stem to coccyx and back to nourish the nerves. The diaphragm is then like a pump for more than just our breath. In this way the spirit supports the soul, which supports the physical, which supports the soul, which supports the spirit and the cycle continues.
This is the same pattern of the Universe supporting the Earth, which supports Nature which supports the Earth which supports the universe. We are a huge eco-system with systems within systems within Universal patterns. This is the fractal pattern of the Universe. And we are a fractal of the Universe by our chemical design. The quality and quantity of the food, air and water is our choice. To activate our power of choice means we have to consciously use our will and intention to live in health and harmony with Earth, Nature and Universe. This is about learning to know who we are as a consciousness. As Socrates says, “Know Thyself.” The more I learn and open my mind and awareness of the relationship to All, the more exquisite life becomes. It is beautiful.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
detoxification...some thoughts
As I was driving around the other day, I was taking in the scenery and appreciating the fall colours and I was thinking about the inseparability of Everything. I had the thought that we can detox Earth and Nature in the same way that we detox our body. Conversely, we can detox our body in the same way Earth and Nature does. I saw the cycle as complete and “presented” to my mind as ONE unit of intertwined and interdependent energy. We cannot treat us, Earth or Nature as separate entities. To detox one, we immediately influence All.
We do not have to have a brilliant open mind to see that we are not healthy beings, Earth is not healthy and Nature is not healthy. All are being poisoned by man-made chemicals that are foreign to the design of us, Earth and Nature.
Earth is struggling to maintain integrity, (health, balance) just as Nature is, and therefore we as humans are struggling to maintain our health and experience longevity. All are reflective of each other. The TV programme, Planet in Peril has shown how sick Earth is, therefore Nature is also ailing. We as humans are supported by both Earth and Nature and we to are ailing. We are interdependet on each other. To separate ourselves from Earth and Nature is to divorce ourselves from our heath. We cannot trash Earth, Nature , Universe and expect to have our health.
The question arises as to how to detoxify and return to health? I will focus on the human body and mind for this piece.
A brief check list of symptoms that are certain signals that the body is on toxic overload:
Is my energy low? Am I feeling tired?
Do I have poor memory or experience brain fog?
Do I find it a challenge to concentrate?
Am I overweight?
Do I have excessive body odour or/and bad breath?
Do I have skin problems?
Do I have food allergies?
Do I feel bloated/gassy/sleepy after meals?
These are a few questions to examine. If you find they apply then you would benefit from a cleansing programme to detoxify our cells and return our body to healthier pH balance.
I will write more on this later, or if interested, you can contact me at
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
thinking about obesity...part 2
We have innocently poisoned ourselves and Nature and Earth with toxic chemicals. I used the phase ‘toxic chemicals’ with deliberation. The pesticides, artifical sweetners, preservatives and dyes (to name but a few) that are placed in our food source are foreign to our chemical design of our spirit consciousness. We can begin our healing process by detoxing our cells through food, air and water. To cleanse the body is to nurture it. Air, food and water is where our atomic design is based. It is the source of our health. When we stray from these natural chemicals, we stray from our state of health.
These toxic chemicals we have been exposed to also includes all the chemicals that are being washed into our water supply from run offs of roadway. For example, all the salt that is placed on the road to melt the ice is altering the pH of the streams, not to mention the mixture of various liquids that come from vehicles. This all goes into our ground water. This is a problem and it is well recognized. Along with this known problem of the pollution of our ground water, is a known solution. The pollutants can be be drastically reduced by planting suitable grasses, shrubs and trees to help clean the run-off, yet this is , as yet, not common practice.
Inside our homes when we flush the toilets the water takes the chemical mixture to a ‘treatment’ plant where it is supposedly ‘cleansed’ with more toxic chemicals and recycled. And so the cycle continues. Perhaps we are drinking the prozac and antibiotics of neighbours to. What of the fluoride that is added to the drinking water? This is a known poison and also known to inhibit the uptake of lithium in the brain. What are people thinking…or perhaps not thinking? Fluoride was given to prisoners in WW11 Germany to keep them easy to manage! And this is what this country, and others, are offering citizens. Certainly something to think about. For more information on this, do read Charles Walters’ book, Minerals for the Genetic Code.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
thinkiing about obesity...part 1.
.This chemical disaster all begins before birth of child because the parents are eating the compromised foods to begin with so that the child in uteri is also being fed these toxic chemicals. I do not mean that parent’s-to-be are mindfully and consciously eating toxic food, drinking harmful fluids (diet drinks for example) and breathing in dirty air (air "fresheners" around the place); far from it! No-one would consciously put poisons into their mouths unless determined to end this physical lifetime.
I had read an article froma reputable source a while ago, that addressed the chemical soup that babies were swimming in uteri. The article went on the say the results of analysis showed something in the range of 200 plus toxic chemicals in the placenta. One of the toxins that stood out for me was the one used as fire retardent. This prompted me to do some research on this and to my horror, I found that this fire retardent chemical is a neural toxin (impacts the nervous system/DNA) and is put into the fabric that babies wear, have around them and sleep on. So not only are they absorbing it through their delicate skin but breathing in the fumes that it is off-gassing as well. I might add that adult clothing is now being infused with the same toxic chemicals! Yet another reason to buy organic clothing.
Why am I mentioning this here? These toxins can interfer with the development of the nervous system set up cellular inflamation. When this happens, the body is challenged to settle into a healthy weight and state of health and well being when in a state of inflamation. The body is challenged to heal. This all begins at the beginning of life with chemical influences from the parents and the environment.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
free choice of level of consciousness
Here is an example of patterns of negativity we have lived….or still living…..
In reading of the Laws of Seven (Joy of Health by Kathy Oddenino), we hit upon the concept/belief of "unworthiness." I have just been re-reading the chapter to find the sentence that set off this line of discussion, but to no avail. It is funny how that happens.
What came out of it were patterns that this belief was being expressed in past and present behavior. These are a few of the things that came up as participants contributed their thoughts and recognized patterns of behavior and speech:
“Whatever I do, it is never good enough...or never enough” (This is the victim).
“Seeking approval” (Wanting to be saved --- the flipside of savior).
“I can never win for losing” (this is "victim energy").
“The harder I work the poorer I seem to get” (also victim energy).
“I have to protect what I have” (hoarding).
“I can't afford organic food, ......” fill in the blank. (Poverty consciousness).
These are a few examples that came up and were related to thoughts, speech patterns and actions. What this really is about is the feeling of inadequacy, which is living the poverty consciousness --- the concept of "not enough" that is an example of "victim energy." Love and money are both physical expressions of this, or a level of this "lack mentality." These are all beautifully addressed in Kathy's second book, Bridges of Consciousness, for those of you curious enough to learn about your own patterns and how to change the old tapes.
In looking at this, it really is about deprivation --- the feeling of being deprived of internal love and therefore feeling inadequate of creating what we want. This is like leaning hard into a door with one hand and trying to open it with the other. We go nowhere. This is a very small example of what the study of Spiritual Philosophy can do for us to open our minds and to give us tools to change.
It is all choice.
We are reflective beings. Think of yourself as a flashlight reflecting light and only you can do it through the opening of the mind. We cannot look for the light external to self as this is the pattern of the fearful mind living its poverty consciousness. We have a choice in what energy field we want to live in. This is determined by our thoughts and emotions and senses engaged.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
divinity of All...a snapshot.
How can we evolve as a consciousness when we cannot see the wonder and the beauty around us?…to feel Earth as our home, know our bodies as our home with sense-certainty?My heart hurst to see the abuse we are heaping upon All. I feel that when we take care of Nature, Earth, Universe, and allow everything to have its place in balance and harmony, then our health and the health of all, will be reflected as harmony and balance.
The root word of Health is the same as for Wholeness and from this we get Holy. The Taoists recognize health through the integration of heaven and earth as harmony of all. As a society, we are far from this state of being.
We have chemically made our lives artificial. We have basically stripped away our delicate sense-certainty in every area of living. For example; when we are eating from nature in a balanced manner with clean food, air and water then our hormonal output is balanced. This means that we will have our natural scent being produced from the hair follicles on our bodies. This is the natural order…and odour.
Our false self is presented to the world. It is external and synthesized. This is a mind at war with itself. There is not a lot of truth to be had at the moment. Just take one sense such as the sense of smell. First we remove a lot, if not all body hair and then we apply a lot of chemicals to camouflage our natural scent. We use highly scented soaps, shampoos, creams, toothpastes, mouthwash, deodorants, colognes, perfumes before we leave the bathroom in the morning. What we are presenting to the world is a false self that has been manipulated to appear smooth. How can we know the “real” person when our senses are confused? Internally and externally for ourself and others?
I am not saying we have to revert to being unwashed, unkempt by any means. I am asking us to think and become more aware of what we are doing. Why do we have to use all these chemicals to begin with? If we are eating clean food, drinking unpolluted water and breathing clean air as possible, then our natural body odour is not offensive. The moment we put a foreign chemical into our body, we have polluted it and set the stage for inflammation of the cells. This in turn is another stage setting for shorter lifespan, disease and more chemical toxicity. We are absorbing these very chemicals into our bodies not only through our nose, mouth, eyes but also through our skin. These “toiletry” chemicals are foreign to our design and this is before we leave the house in the morning…for some of us.
When in this state, we are challenged to evolve our consciousness and live in health. We have a choice. It would behoove us to be mindful and realize that we are all connected which means what one person does impacts others. How we treat ourself, our family, friends, colleagues, all has an effect on Nature, Earth and Universe and the health of All.
Monday, September 17, 2007
you are what you eat
I flipped this truism of Hippocrates around a bit to “eat what you are” as I think of our atomic signature being carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, mineral and essential fatty acids and various combinations of all of these. This is our connection to Earth, Nature and the Universe for All is chemical. We are a chemical consciousness which is clearly explained in the book, The Journey Home. Our Evolving Consciousness by Kathy Oddenino. In reading the chapter on Our Chemical Consciousness, p 27 this sentence jumped out at me. “The secret to our happiness and health is understanding that we are a chemical consciousness, and understanding that we were created with a very precise pattern that allows us to continually support our mind and emotions as a chemical consciousness and the cellular structure of our physical body as a chemical consciousness.”
Saturday, September 15, 2007
weight is about the mind
I found when I began writing the draft for my Holistic Approach to Weight Loss and Health booklet that every which way I turned I ran into the Ego beliefs…or Cosmic egg as it is referred to sometimes…and it is from this negative state that we have to hatch ourselves out of our own shell. Our subconscious negative beliefs that we have brought with us lifetime after lifetime are our limiting template that we mindlessly follow in life. To effectively change our life we have to address our beliefs which means using our thinking mind. Typically a lazy mind will sit on top of a lazy body.
I had clients who lost weight through exercise and food changes (minimal) but refused to look internally at themselves. The weight invariably returned and with vengeance. Why? They had not changed their relationship to their beliefs. Their fear of change was greater than their control/war-like attitude of “battling” their waistline. Their thoughts were negative and therefore inflaming to their cellular structure. To live with negative thinking dumps stress hormones into the nervous system on a 24/7 basis and eventually our bodies break down in some area.
I will begin by stating that the body is challenged to drop excess fat when the cells are in a state of inflammation. This is not a new concept. It has been around for a while and has been recognized as the basis of a lot of pain and even disease processes. Typically the common course of action is to alleviate the “issue” with more chemicals that put our nervous system further out of balance. I wonder how many people have asked themselves why they are in an inflamed state? We know that pesticides, fungicides, artificial “foods” (man-made and not from/of nature) added sweeteners and dyes are all out of sync with our chemical design. So changing our foods to be of Nature and organically grown is to use food as medicine. It is also the first step towards loving, respecting and valuing self (Nature and Earth) and taking up the reins of personal responsibility to help in change of the health of All. Also well known is the pH of the body has a large bearing on the health of the cells. When our body becomes too acidic we become “ripe” for dis-ease, disease and basically a sick body. To have a sick body means that our mind and emotional state is also ailing.
Weight is about the mind! Well, everything begins in the mind; we have to become conscious of what we are thinking. Sometimes it is not easy to catch our thoughts but not to worry because our thoughts are going to show up in our language and in our actions. So there is no hiding what is going on inside of us and our level of consciousness.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
our nature is universal not personal
"What distinguishes faith in ourselves from conceit is the fact that conceit lays claim to specialness, while our fundamental nature is not personal—it's universal, it's shared. When we look at the Buddha or a great teacher, we can see our own potential for happiness, for vibrant wisdom and sustained compassion—a potential that all beings share. However, if we stop at faith in another, admiring him or her and overlooking ourselves, our faith remains incomplete."
I was thinking about the above passage of Sharon Salzberg and recognizing teachings of Kathy Oddenino…to “Know Thyself” as energy and matter. When we know who we are then we live our potential as a human through the patterns of the ethical values. The more we consciously live them the more they become us. This is living our expansive potential. We have to live them to learn them. I see our human potential as dynamic and expansive with no end to be had. This is exciting!
When we know thyself we are “of self.” This is our shift in consciousness and we feel the internal buoyancy of love and know truth of the inseparability of All. When we are living “for self” we are self absorbed, egotistical and living out the external negative patterns of fear, untruth and inequality. When we are in this externalized space we live in a state of hunger for love and attempt to grab it from others any which way we can. We cant give away what we do not have.
While at a 3 day conference (Institute of Metaphysical Studies) we did an exercise of looking into another’s eyes. I was heart touched by this experience. I paired up with a woman closer to 80 than 70 years old and I felt my mind move as I saw the universality of us reflected in her eyes and it was at that moment that I recognized we are all one. It was, as Sharon Salzberg say…”…our fundamental nature is not personal---it’s universal.”
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Neural Depolarization. A case history
neural depoarization: a case history
I have been asked to give some explanation/examples of Neural Depolarization, so I have gone back into my notes and found this account written several years ago. I suggest to those who wish to know more of the wonderful healing of NDP, to log onto and you can get an interview and explanation with the originator of this technique. It is worth the effort!
Rae's account:
Dale came to me with a rigid and painful neck. She had had neck surgery about 17 years ago and the site continued to be painful. I had barely begun to touch the nerve points when I could feel the depolarization beginning. It felt like electrical shocks..a snapping feel to them. It was at this point that Dale (a massage therapist) asked me if I was wearing a watch because she could hear a loud ticking sound. I was not. The sound that she was hearing was the neuroma depolarizing. Because the neuroma was so close to the spine, she was hearing the nerves depolarize internally through the spinal fluid. When I felt the nerves balance, I moved on. I came to the surgical site and began to focus on that area. I immediately had an image of a bunch of live wires tangled up and firing off rapidly; accompanying this visual was a chemical smell, tinged with burning. I was also conscious that Dale was in pain ...way beyond the point of discomfort. At this point my "visual image" changed to "seeing" this bunch of nerves pulling apart and the knot dissipating...along with the pain. I was surprised by the pain that Dale experienced during this session. Kathy explained to me that the trauma had been man-made (surgical). This made perfect sense to me. Physically, the lump on her neck had decreased in size and her range of motion was dramatically improved. I repeated the work for 3 consecutive weeks, each time removing another neuroma and/or continuing to decrease the existing one. There have been 6 sessions over a 3-month period and the work is holding. I have given a brief description of what transpired.
Dale's account:
I had gone to see Rae with my usual stiff neck and back. My injuries were from a pedestrian accident 17 years ago where I had broken several vertebrae. I had a cervical fusion at C3-4-5. Since the surgery I have had a huge knot in the right side of my neck. It is my "weak link," flaring up more than usual when I'm under stress. I was actually hoping for Rae's strong elbow up my back when I arrived for my appointment, but she started doing the Neural Depolarization. I knew, intuitively, that this is what my body needed, so I didn't say anything. Shortly after Rae placed her fingers at my neck I experienced what sounded like loud ticking. Sort of like two metal rods being clicked together, but under water. It was quite loud, and the ticking got faster and faster. I asked Rae about it, thinking she had a watch on. She didn't. It was so loud to me that I thought she must be able to hear it. I had a tremendous amount of heat coming from the area and the sensation that something was burning. Before I could tell her this, Rae commented that she could smell burning. After a while, the ticking started to slow down and eventually stopped. Rae moved down each vertebra from there, and at each site the ticking would begin again. At some sites the ticking was louder and faster than others. When Rae got to the surgical site, I felt such burning and pain that I was not sure I could tolerate it. I knew she was only barely touching me, and yet I felt like I had knives in my neck. The ticking was really firing now, and I had a vision of live wires that were all knotted up, thrashing around, trying to untangle. I spoke to Rae about it, and she had the same vision that I had. The vision of thrashing continued, and I wanted to ride it out, even though the pain was almost unbearable. After quite a while, I sensed that the "wires" had untangled, and the relief was tremendous. Rae continued to do the depolarization down my back. The worst spot of all was at my 7th cervical vertebra, a place where I had never been conscious of pain. I felt much discomfort and burning there, but I don't remember any sounds. Eventually, the pain stopped. When we were finished, we compared notes. We had both had the same visions and senses throughout the treatment. I was amazed. Unbelievably, the knot had diminished in size to almost nothing. This knot had been there for 17 years! I immediately signed up for some more treatments.
When I was backing up my car, I could actually see behind me. I usually have to turn my entire body. I was impressed, to say the least. I have had several more treatments. The ticking sounded like it was under less water each time. The last time I went (last week), I didn't hear any ticking at all. My neck isn't 100%, but I know something huge happened during those treatments. I feel that if I could continue to get treated once a week for a few months it would benefit me tremendously.
posted by Raewyn at 5:37 AM
the big picture by Margaret Martin
I have just been reading Margaret Martin's blog "The Big Picture" ....the link is on this blog...and i really am enthralled at her wordsmithing and with a depth that is not always found. I encourage all to read her words and take them to heart. I to attended this wonderful seminar that Kathy gave last Sunday and i am reading through the handout. This handout is a workbook really with layers after layers of knowledge there for the taking. This is a gift that continues to give!
I was going to write about it ...and i may...but in the meantime, please do treat yourself with reading Margaret's blog and get a bigger picture of who you are.
Friday, September 7, 2007
side bar---Horses read energy
It is very easy to prove this. Just go out to work with a horse or dog, have angry thoughts about something, someone…basically a negative attitude… and see what happens. The animal will mirror us to perfection. I watched a woman trying to catch a pony the other day and the more frustrated the woman got the more the pony evaded her and so the gathering of negative energy expanded. It was a wonderful example of universal law of cause and effect in action.
We are energy and matter. I think about our soul being both our mind and emotions and our spirit being expressed through our senses and nervous system and that we require our physical matter to express all. With that said I think about how I taught riding to students. I quickly realized that the first order was to teach the rider about themselves and what they are thinking and feeling and what emotions they are using before I could teach the mechanics of riding. The horse mirrors the rider. There is no exception to this rule.
When we are truly comfortable within our mind and body this positive energy field is shared with the horse and everything and everyone we come in contact with. We express ourself through our senses and when on horseback and in a positive energy field, this translates as simpatico; communication and cooperation between animal and rider. We become one in movement. There is harmony between horse and rider and it is an incredible sensation. But when we are using a mind of fear, all levels of fear, from panic to mild doubts, the horse will accurately read this energy and react accordingly; our energy field at this moment in time is negative, chaotic and repelling. We have unconsciously shared this toxic energy first with our own cells and then on out to share it with the horse and whatever and whom else is around. Energy knows no geographical boundaries.
I feel that most people who have horses or work with horses have a love and appreciation for these noble creatures. I hope that all horse people take time to learn to know themselves as energy and matter and to know that horses read energy better than most people. This of course is not limited to horses; dogs are also brilliant at reading energy fields.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
we are energy
….To know with sense-certainty that we are so much more than just a physical body is key to opening our mind. When we can open our mind to understand this and to discover the relationship between our thinking mind, our words and our actions, we have begun to stretch our mind to change and grow. It is with this focus that we can uncover the subconscious negative beliefs (Ego) that prevent our health and happiness, and open to living our ethical values.
We are energy. What we think, eat, drink, breath (quality and quantity) all influence our energy field and our experiences. We cannot be separated from Earth, Nature, and Universe without separating ourselves from our health.
Spiritual Philosophy (
offers answers and the truth resonates deep within me. To approach our weight and our health from the internal perspective makes sense and gets to the core of us. Our physical weight begins in the mind. This is how change and growth of our dual soul happens.This change is then reflected into our physical reality. All is energy. All is choice.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
introducing myself.
I read Kathy Oddenino's first book, “The Joy of Health; A spiritual concept of integration and the practicalities of living” in 1990, and I felt the truth of her message. I practically inhaled the words, and the thought echoed through my mind....this is truth! I am not alone...and so began my studying to 'know thyself'. I found (continue to find!) solace in the Spiritual Philosophy taught by Kathy. I feel the purity of truth in her words as I learned to look for the relationship of All and through knowledge and understanding, I found my self; my healing. Spiritual Philosophy as the Science of Life, has given me the tools with which to understand my life experiences. It is from this base that I offer my thoughts on Holistic Weight Loss and Health. Nothing is separate and “nothing comes from nothing.” Everything begins with the mind; with thought.
Everything is related and therefore cannot be separated in any way, shape or form. This means that to address health, nutrition and weight loss, I have to bring in how the mind is thinking, what the feeling sense is being lived and what emotions are being used. This also applies to the physical movement, stage in life and stress and all are dependant upon the quality and quantity of air, food and water being ingested. These then relate to the health of us, the Earth, Nature and Universe. The bottom line is that it does not matter where I begin or end as all areas are interwoven and interpenetrated and there is not one thing that can stand on its own, although the Ego gives it a good try. It is our thinking mind that determines our energy field we chose to live in.