Sunday, September 30, 2007

free choice of level of consciousness

I had been going back through my files and came across the following that came out of a book study that I held a year ago and I thought I would share it here. Just reading through some of these habitual thought patterns it is easy to see how limiting and negative they are and the excitment is in knowing that change is choice. If we do not change, we get left behind as a consciousness. To understand what consciousness is I offer a link here. It is an interview with Kathy Oddenino and she defines consciousness in an easy manner. You will feel the truth of her words, I am sure. It shows us where we are going.

Here is an example of patterns of negativity we have lived….or still living…..

In reading of the Laws of Seven (Joy of Health by Kathy Oddenino), we hit upon the concept/belief of "unworthiness." I have just been re-reading the chapter to find the sentence that set off this line of discussion, but to no avail. It is funny how that happens.
What came out of it were patterns that this belief was being expressed in past and present behavior. These are a few of the things that came up as participants contributed their thoughts and recognized patterns of behavior and speech:

“Whatever I do, it is never good enough...or never enough” (This is the victim).
“Seeking approval” (Wanting to be saved --- the flipside of savior).
“I can never win for losing” (this is "victim energy").
“The harder I work the poorer I seem to get” (also victim energy).
“I have to protect what I have” (hoarding).
“I can't afford organic food, ......” fill in the blank. (Poverty consciousness).

These are a few examples that came up and were related to thoughts, speech patterns and actions. What this really is about is the feeling of inadequacy, which is living the poverty consciousness --- the concept of "not enough" that is an example of "victim energy." Love and money are both physical expressions of this, or a level of this "lack mentality." These are all beautifully addressed in Kathy's second book, Bridges of Consciousness, for those of you curious enough to learn about your own patterns and how to change the old tapes.

In looking at this, it really is about deprivation --- the feeling of being deprived of internal love and therefore feeling inadequate of creating what we want. This is like leaning hard into a door with one hand and trying to open it with the other. We go nowhere. This is a very small example of what the study of Spiritual Philosophy can do for us to open our minds and to give us tools to change.

It is all choice.

We are reflective beings. Think of yourself as a flashlight reflecting light and only you can do it through the opening of the mind. We cannot look for the light external to self as this is the pattern of the fearful mind living its poverty consciousness. We have a choice in what energy field we want to live in. This is determined by our thoughts and emotions and senses engaged.

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