Sunday, August 9, 2009

Nations health care....some random thoughts

National Health Care is an emotional issue for most people and I am no exception. There are the “talking heads” whose utterances are geared to controversy rather than unity of common goal, and of course in the blog-a-sphere there are a lot of opinions on the subject that show the diversity of thoughts around this topic. I am no different as I to have an opinion.

My concern is if it (NHC) becomes mandated that I have to buy insurance. I do not have “health insurance” and have not had it by choice, because I see what is offered is “disease insurance” that is opposite to my views and definition on what constitutes health. It is my personal responsibility to educate myself in how to nourish my physical, emotional and mental self just as surely it is my personal responsibility to be a productive member of my community. This is my body and my responsibility to nurture it in the best way I know how.

Everything boils down to money. What if half of this money was allotted to prevention of disease? Now there is something to ponder! What about simple steps such as encouraging organic gardens for schools and communities and educating people on the value of good foods from Nature, and being hydrated with clean water and getting plenty of movement for the body? How can people think well if they have not dined well? (apologies to Virginia Wolfe) What if families went just one month without processed foods? What would it mean really…probably a drop in excess weight, clearer skin, better energy reserves, more together time with family, feeling better, thinking clearer, saving money… and so the list goes on….what this really comes down to is about change (of thinking /lifestyle) and taking personal responsibility for our health and well being. I can hear the gasps of horror now! I have found that most people tend to want others to do for them than they are willing to want to do for themselves when it comes to nurturing and nourishing self.

These are just some snippets of my thoughts on the subject….

There are a couple of blogs that cover varying views on health care and
…that are worthy of reading.

1 comment:

Maat said...

I really enjoyed this post (not that I don't enjoy the others!) since it is a subject uppermost in the country's mind at the moment. And I do, wholeheartedly agree, that a better way of feeding ourselves, paying attention, making wellness and prevention the forefront of our concerns rather than treating and curing the result, often, of bad habits is infinitely preferable it would seem a sad fact that most would rather take the easy way. "Wait and see", "If something happens or goes awry I'll have it checked out" and, aside from that, mandating how we may feed ourselves, what choices we may have probably would never fly. Would that we could go backwards a little to our grandmothers' era where food was bought fresh...daily, we had no CFC's, preservatives that would keep dry goods edible (I didn't say forever and a day, almost. No microwaves. My granny would be today's nutritionist's nightmare with predictions of a premature, cholesterol-saturated death. She lived long enough to see her centenary not just on the horizon but round the corner...two months shy of that momentous birthday. Now, I must admit that a year ago I was very disappointed that despite really healthy eating habits (and not simply from a consciousness but because I actually loved the foods!) it would seem inherited genes just refused to change their ways. However, given that during the procedure I was having done my partner was told (in glowing terms, no less) I have an "amazingly strong heart" I don't doubt that genetic damage would have been much worse had I stuffed myself with big Mac's and processed foods. But, at the same time, I can't help but feel that society is entitled to long as they know what their choices are and why they should consider a rethink. Only because I don't care for the idea of government making so many decisions for us. I really don't care for them making health-care decisions for us, either...only that for those in need of such care it is not the bogeyman under the bed with frightening thoughts of being homeless, out on the street or having to choose between utilities, food and necessary medication. I don't say medical care is a 'right' but since it is available I do feel it should be uncomprisingly available to those who need it. Great post, Raewynn.