Saturday, August 2, 2008

a pattern is in place

"When our soul mind chooses health over disease, healing will happen within our soul and we will crack our cosmic shell." This is a quote from page 51 of kathy Oddenino's book Healing Ourself. Growing Beyond the true cause of Disease. I have thought about this and so with this quote in my head i went for a walk. I had not gone far when i "saw" the pattern of growth and change so clearly.

Kathy has used the analogy in many of her seminars of us being like a chicken hatching itself out of its shell and likened the shell to our ego shell or cosmic egg or cosmic shell. What ever phrase one chooses, it all comes back to the same thing. We have to peck our way out of our ego shell that is made up of eons of accumulate fear beliefs. We support our growth and change through feeding our mind with thoughtful "foods" such as spiritual philosophy to help us look at ourself and learn who we truly are (and this very process makes the ego very nervous!). We support this process through clean air, food and water.

Look at the pattern of the chicken. It is sustained by the fluids of the egg for its growth and change and then when the chicken is old enough and stronge enough, it can peck its way out of its own shell and hatch itself. The tadpole also consumes its own tail to support its growth and change to become a frog. The pattern is in place.

As humans we have to accept personal responsibility to choose to change and grow and support this by choosing quality and quantity of variety of foods, (and mineral rich water and clean air) in our desire (conscious choice) for health of mind, emotions and physical body.

It is such fun to make these connections and see these patterns emerging. The walk was all the more enjoyable to feel not only the movement of my physical body but the movement of my mental and emotional body. This is truly the value of studying spiritual philosophy.

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