Sunday, November 23, 2008

love softens all

I have just re-read my last blog and the words “love softens all” leapt out at me. This led me to begin thinking about "hardness" of thoughts/perception and this led to “forgiveness” and thniking about memories (past lives and present) and relationships and how all relates to change. To “forgive” anyone for anything is to really “forgive” self for judging self and reflecting out to perceived “transgressions” from others in the first place. Nothing is ever “done to us” but rather we invite the energy (event/drama/trauma) into our life to learn, and our soul is all about learning.

This brings me back to love (it makes the world go round). To intellectually “forgive” another/others is to suppress the lesson and ignore it. There is no healing in this action. I think of my early years and Mum insisting that anyone of us kids say we were sorry for “hurting” the other, usually through being inconsiderate in some way, and always reminding us that we love each other and that we were family and all in the boat together. This always made saying “sorry” easier. Love always triumphed.

When we have an understanding of why we invited the event/drama/trauma into our life, then the love that rushes through our mind and body is the softening agent. Therefore we can view all events and relationships from the internal perspective of love of learning and growing in understanding of who we are. This very same emotion flood lights our mind and cells to soften and dissolve all perceived “hurts” because ultimately our life is about us and learning and changing; other people are personally invited to play a part on our stage of life.

Other people do not dictate how we are to feel, what emotions we will use or what thoughts we choose to think, because our life is not about other people. To make it so, is to deny our own internal power; to deny who we are, and this then becomes a perfect method to thwart any internal emotional change to love. We are all in the same boat of life and it is much easier to row together …we are all connected through the energy of love.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

the head takes the body for a walk

On my walk today I was very conscious of the beauty of the day; how the hues, shapes, textures of nature all blended so seamlessly with my emotions, my senses and my physical body. In a moment of heart-felt appreciation for life my mind opened to hear my mother’s voice saying “we must keep an open mind” and immediately strings of memory nodes activated and I enjoyed a kaleidoscope of sensory joy rush through me and I savoured the moment, the memories.

It has been almost 6 years since my mother transitioned and I still feel her presence keenly. This sensing of her energy, of seeing, hearing, smelling her, and feeling her hand on my shoulder on occasions, to name a few, all comes down to communication which has helped to heal my sense of loss of her physical presence. This is internal communication. The pattern is in place for us all.

So what does having an open mind mean to me?
I think of it as a mind of movement, of freedom from fear beliefs which hinder and flavour perceptions and dictate emotions, attitude, actions and my life. To engage in negative emotions is to show ourselves that we have no love for self and have no value. And our mind slams shut. This is pretty bad but then we insist on sharing this negative energy with everyone and everything else. What a prime example of self absorption this is. To open our mind is to be willing to communicate on all levels. There is much more to write on this subject but this is just a snippet for the moment, and perhaps something to mull over.

As my head continued to take my body for a walk and i crunched over stones going up and over hill, I wondered “what is my life about?” And immediately I heard:

I look at these words and see how they link together in a very intimate manner and it allows me to see yet again the inseparability of everything or the unity of everything. I have to change the way I am thinking in order to learn and in order to learn I have to open my mind to change. In learning and changing I expand my mind, the energy of me because my perception of who I am continues to change.

My mind continues to expand as the energy of love softens all experiences through understanding of the lessons.What a wonderful moment in movement I have just had. I feel a huge shift in my energy as I recognize the positive emotions are my emotional safety net. Life is indeed good when the mind is encouraged to open and love and communication are the name of the game.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the world according to monsanto

I came across this video clip and it validates all that i have felt/learned/known about Monsanto's tentacles strangling our health and the health of Earth. I hope you take a minute to view it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

spiritual teaching vs physical teaching

I attended a Kathy Odenino seminar last weekend on disease and eternal health and it was such a mind changing event that i wish everyone could have attended. I am on my second reading of the handout and getting more and more from the semiar with each reading. Long ago i heard that it is easy to teach from the physical and a real challenge to teach from the spiritual. Kathy is one of the very few people who do teach from the energy of spirit and it is felt by all who attend. A lot of people attempt to teach spiritual philosophy but do not understand self let alone spirit,

I also think that people who want to learn are attracted to the information/energy and make the effort to attend these series of semianrs on memories. perhaps the more "advanced" minds know that change is important and spiritual philosophy offers answers in truth.

The seminar has prompted my thinking (which i thoroughly enjoy!) about stress and what it does to our systems of physical body, thinking mind, emotions and sensory responses to life. I have enjoyed the exploration and some of the writing will go into my book. But i dirgress somewhat. What prompted this morning's writing was watching Larry King last night with his panel of Candice Pert, JZ Knight and some chap i did not know of. They all spoke of the mind and neuronal pathways and reality and it struck me hard that Kathy Oddenino was teaching this very stuff years (and years) ago and it has reinforced my appreciation for what i have been exposed to and the expansion of spiritual teaching that very few others in the world offer.

I do wo der if people do not want to actually change and understand themselves and chose to live out the familar negative fear tracks in their brain of being a victim, of being poor or any other "excuse" for not learning and changing and accepting that we are all creators and our core energy is love. It all comes down to choice. We have to do the inner work to open our mind and shift our consciousness.
On this happy note i am now returning to my reading and writing.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

a pattern is in place

"When our soul mind chooses health over disease, healing will happen within our soul and we will crack our cosmic shell." This is a quote from page 51 of kathy Oddenino's book Healing Ourself. Growing Beyond the true cause of Disease. I have thought about this and so with this quote in my head i went for a walk. I had not gone far when i "saw" the pattern of growth and change so clearly.

Kathy has used the analogy in many of her seminars of us being like a chicken hatching itself out of its shell and likened the shell to our ego shell or cosmic egg or cosmic shell. What ever phrase one chooses, it all comes back to the same thing. We have to peck our way out of our ego shell that is made up of eons of accumulate fear beliefs. We support our growth and change through feeding our mind with thoughtful "foods" such as spiritual philosophy to help us look at ourself and learn who we truly are (and this very process makes the ego very nervous!). We support this process through clean air, food and water.

Look at the pattern of the chicken. It is sustained by the fluids of the egg for its growth and change and then when the chicken is old enough and stronge enough, it can peck its way out of its own shell and hatch itself. The tadpole also consumes its own tail to support its growth and change to become a frog. The pattern is in place.

As humans we have to accept personal responsibility to choose to change and grow and support this by choosing quality and quantity of variety of foods, (and mineral rich water and clean air) in our desire (conscious choice) for health of mind, emotions and physical body.

It is such fun to make these connections and see these patterns emerging. The walk was all the more enjoyable to feel not only the movement of my physical body but the movement of my mental and emotional body. This is truly the value of studying spiritual philosophy.

Monday, June 30, 2008

memories as evolution

I woke up thinking about memories and how they define life. I “saw” colours as the energy of my life, and not just from this lifetime but all lifetimes. It was not unlike a kaleidoscope where the colours are already set and each small turn changes the pattern and colour combination and presents an entirely new picture of the energy of me. This is what each lifetime does. A fractal of each lifetime is to take each experience in this present lifetime as a miniscule turn of the kaleidoscope’s tube as symbolic of a lesson learned. With each lesson learned I move myself forward and the pattern of colours change as my energy expands with learning. This was so clear to me this morning and when I sit here to put physical words to translate energy, the words feel clumsy and confining in a way. But it is in the writing down that keeps me grounded by making my thoughts physical so really I am taking the energy of memory and making it physical by writing. It is my perception that makes the point of reference for my energy and my perception is infused with experiences of lessons learned….therefore it is my relationship to my memories that I come to my understanding of life ….meaning that my understanding is through my senses and then I can have a relationship with my memories.

What I am saying here is that my memories define me….(define all of us… and therein lies our individuality). I am the sum of my memories as energy. It is all the experiences I have had throughout “lifetimes” that offer me a tremendous depth of knowledge (memory) and I think of this as having all the wisdom of the universe available to me.

All I have to do is know who I am (as energy and matter) and to do this I have to live personal responsibility to examine self, my creations (experiences) and clear out/away all negative thinking so I can “know thyself” and open my mind to all memories to live the behaviour of all the ethical values. This is the value of studying Spiritual Philosophy ( in learning that I am eternal as energy and as I open my mind I feel the balancing effect of the loving emotions coming into play and memories begin to come in and relationships are made. It is the most comforting learning I have ever experienced. When I say “all I have to do is know who I am…” it sounds a bit glib but it is the most exciting mind traveling I have ever done and it is evolution because the change occurs in how I am thinking. This changes everything!

I create memories by physical experiences and I stimulate them through my senses. I have gone back through this life and looked at various experiences I created and have asked myself why. In asking “why” my mind opens and in my growing understanding of who I am my perceptions have changed. What was once a drama is now valued for what I learned from it. This is how the analogy of the kaleidoscope works for me. I have learned and therefore changed my perception through understanding. This shift in thinking changes my internal and external energy field. It is the movement of my mind that changes my energy. This is the changing colours of the kaleidoscope of the energy of my mind.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Neural depolarization helped to heal my nerves

Earlier this morning Ii was sharing a quiet moment and cup of coffee with a friend and she made a comment about toes wiggling looked amusing or funny. This simple comment stirred me to remember when I could not open my toes or wiggle them without manual manipulation. I recall looking down at my feet years ago and seeing the muscle wastage and the limpness of digits and thinking they looked like they had been bound for years.

I found this speech i had given years ago now and thought i would air it again. I have written this story many times over the years. I continue to have NDP and am always amazed at the sensations i feel within my energy (nervous system). My gratitude is deep for the power of this therapy and what it has offered me and for what it has offered others.

My story:

Background: (briefly)
I want to tell a little story…a story of healing.
I was 24 years old and traveling through Europe. I had arranged a teaching job in Africa and as such, had to have a cholera injection. The cholera serum was contaminated and a virus began to wreck havoc in my right kidney and nervous system…particularly the peripheral nerves. My first indication that something was amiss was coming through the gym and jumping to touch the rings that were hanging down. My head sent the signal and I felt my body went through the motions but my feet did not leave the floor. I got such a shock, that I tried again and it was obvious the message was not being received by my legs. This began a round of doctors and tests. I had manipulation under anesthetic to no avail, other than to feel sore. I had 8 myliograms in 2 months, which showed no obvious obstruction in the spine. All the time my limbs are getting weaker and I am beginning to lose a lot of weight. It was not long before the numbness began and then the tremors began to become noticeable. Feeding myself was a challenge, as I could not hold a cup in one hand. It became obvious that I could not continue to work.

It was about this time that my mother sensed something amiss with me and said she was flying over from new Zealand to Johannesburg…in south Africa. There was a flurry of writing as I tried to prepare her for my skinny self…and a brief update on what was going on with me. I collected my mother from Jan Smutts airport and from there I went straight into hospital.
It was a teaching hospital in Jo’burg (RSA) where I underwent more tests. There were a lot of suggestions as to what was wrong with me….a lot of labels were bandied about and I was not enthralled with any of them. It was obvious that the myelin sheath was disintegrating. This is what surrounds the nerve. so I ‘settled’ for a label of peripheral neuritis….rather than other more ominous diagnoses. I was told that I might have a couple of years before I would require a wheelchair. I was given a high dose of cortisone.

That was my life 26 years ago.

Over the intervening years I have tried a lot of ‘therapies’ from western medicine, I have been pumped full of cortisone, done physical therapy. I have experienced eastern medicine and I have swallowed potions made eye or nwut and chicken lips looks appetizing. I have tried acupuncture. I have gone through a lot of body work and energy therapies and massage. It was suggested that I sit under and orange blanket and say om.

I have always been conscious of the value of nutrition so that required minor tweaking. I have done visualization and meditation. There is not much I have not tried from mainstream western medical to eastern medical to alternative therapies over the past twenty years.

Enter Kathy Oddenino and the neural depolarization therapy. Let me explain how this has changed my life step by step if I can.

These past four years are the first time in 25 years that I have been able to feel my legs while shaving them. It is the first time I have tried on shoes and been able to feel the fit correctly. It is the first time I have been able to run with confidence that my legs would not give out from under me. It is the first time in a quarter of a century that I have been able to walk bare-footed on a beach and actually feel the texture of the sand move under my feet. It is the first time I have been able to open my toes and wiggle them. This is the power of neural depolarization.

Kathy began to work on my nerves and I could feel the heat and the vibration and the movement of energy going through me. I could hear the snap, and often times feel like a slippery movement occurred as a nerve depolarized and then the surging warmth going through what felt like, frozen nerves. As Kathy began to work on my sciatic nerve I felt nothing initially. Then it began; the pain. A spinning pain. It felt like I was having a root canal done in my leg. My nerve was unwinding.I was in much discomfort over then next few weeks. But…The pain delighted me as I then had confirmation that the nerve was alive…and I was able to feel. It took a month of consistent work to fully depolarize the nervous system and to be able to shave and feel exactly where the razor was on my leg. This was excitement indeed! I have no tremors. I have feeling in my legs and sense the myelin sheath has regenerated. This makes sense as Kathy is using her electromagnetic energy as jumper cables to my nervous system to stimulate growth.

I have used nutrition and knowledge as part of my health rĂ©gime and the neural depolarization has been the most incredible gift I could have been given….exposed to. The power of this technique is beyond my ability to articulate more than I have done. I am living the healing.
There is not much I have not tried from mainstream western medical to eastern medical to alternative therapies over the past twenty years. The gentle power of neural depolarization work has done more for me than anything else I have been able to find anywhere in the world.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

love = sharing

Love = sharing. I have been thinking about this in relationship to the series of classes I have just done. I love the material, love people; love learning and so to teach becomes an easy and natural “next step” to share my knowledge and love.

A lot of my blogs are written for clients and have been inspired by their questions and this is one of them .

I have been thinking more on this sharing of love and love and sharing. I spent a delightful impromptu evening with my friends on Sunday and could feel the energy of all mingling and expanding and supporting as we interacted and shared our thoughts and “aha’s” with each other. The comfort and ease within us and with sharing same energy with others …from close friend to strangers…was evident throughout the evening. This recognition of our respective comfort in our own skin is really only possible when we know ourself and live from the energy of love and freely communicate. When we are living from the mindset of loving emotions we want – and are open – to sharing this energy freely and without filters. It translates to a love of life. I feel so privileged to know these people and have them as my friends. My life is all the richer because of them.

The antithesis of this open living of the spiritual ethical values is to refuse to share thoughts, dreams, ideas, concepts, the up and downs of life and learning. All of which is really about refusing to open our mind. To not use our thinking mind is to deny our spirit. We have to use our thinking mind to get to the loving emotions and the spirit senses to become a spirit consciousness. This is the pattern of the mind. There are no short cuts.

We can be socially active and still be living in isolation by not sharing ourselves openly though communication with the energy of love and truth. Instead we hold back our thoughts and emotions because of our judgement – of self - reflected externally and this negative energy is then thrust upon others. This energy is abusive on all levels. Oftentimes those we consider nearest and dearest to us will get the brunt of this controlling energy field. This truly is a person isolated from spirit. I look back to my early years and see this “protective” pattern of living because I did not want to be hurt which is so amusing because only the ego fears being hurt. This is how sneaky the ego fear beliefs are. This external reflection is really just the ego doing its best to preserve itself in all its negative delusional “glory” by not opening the mind to change and to grow. So we control and judge to maintain the ego shell around us. This is how we isolate and separate from the internal energy of the love of spirit and from others, which leaves us very uncomfortable in our skin an unable to truly know ourself.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

a walk through my garden and my mind

I have been out and about walking and puttering around in my garden. My mind has wandered and has been a wonderful companion. Here is a stream of consciousness that I will share with you.

We practice self-alienation through our negative thinking based on our fear belief structure. We then reflect this distorted energy externally and interpret it as judgment, rejection and abandonment by whatever or whomever our fertile ego mind can drum up to blame. When our lack of thinking is the norm and we are really just living from a reactive energy. This energy field is familiar, and what is familiar and known to us is fear. Fear = separation/self alienation and this fosters a very negative and chaotic mind and energy field. This very same energy feeds in on itself and the alienation from our truth and love intensifies; the more “lost” we feel and the more controlling of self and others we become. This is living in chaos and separated from divine energy. It is practicing self destruction and abuse.

While in my garden I was examining the flowers and I recognized myself in them. I mean that all of life follows a pattern…the same pattern of birth-life-death-birth-life etc. To judge myself for something done or said is to deny who I am as a soul and spirit. It is this judgement that is the self-alienating process and it becomes stultifying to growth and change. I see my plants coming up and I am excited at each new change that happens – that I get to observe. The formation of a bud is beautiful yet it “loses” it beauty to change and growth as it becomes a full bloom. The full flower that offers my senses such delight only lives because the bud continued to change and grow and the change continues its full and perennial cycle.

My garden continues to teach me and like the fluid organic nature of the plants, no part is separate. Life is about growth and change. The plant grows flowers by letting go of the bud. The flower becomes its own expression and expansion of the young bud. For me to focus only upon the bud of a rose, for example, I totally miss the entire beauty of the life cycle. This could be analogous to trying to hold onto youth and judging age as something abhorrent and to be avoided at all cost. Perhaps this is the fear of death? It is the fear of change. It does not really matter because it is still fear, control, negative energy and denial of spirit. This is refusing to change and grow and experience life in full. The more I am willing to live the spiritual patterns of the ethical values, the more comfort I find within me and the more exciting life becomes. This is our perennial movement as our cycle of Being.

acid/alkaline ...some morning thoughts

While in the shower I was thinking about acid/alkaline of the water from my well and how I note a difference after heavy rain has fallen. From this point my mind went on to think about Earth and how it is stressed from all the chemicals we have dumped into it and this makes it more acid…I see how the wild fire help to alkalize the soil through the ash and the cracking open of rock to release/break down and mineralize the soil...there is a theory that the ice age was a way of alkalizing the Earth by pulverizing the rocks and leaving huge mineral deposits. Volcanic activity has a similar effect. Excess rain helps to cleanse the soil by diluting the man-made added chemicals. Earth tries to rebalance/alkalize itself every which way it can. Our body is the same pattern as Earth. It tries to keep an alkaline balance internally by drawing minerals from organs, tissues and bones. I think back to when my mother died and the emotional shock I experienced was stressing my entire system/s thereby making me very acidic. The innate intelligence of the body to maintain its internal integrity drew from bone for calcium to help buffer the acidic state of my cells. As a result, I broke a tooth without major physical trauma being exerted. This is just a snippet of the fractal pattern that we live from. When we separate ourselves from clean air, clean water, clean food we separate ourselves from our health and our home within our physical matter (body) and from our home on Earth.

Look at the air we are breathing. It has decreased in volume of oxygen over the past 60 years. Why? Acidity! We have expelled a lot of toxic gases into the air and produced acid rain as a side effect. This acidity of the rain has impacted vegetation. I have hiked a lot of the trails on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia and had noticed some of the trees looked like they were dying, particularly the dogwoods. I have since found out that they are being slowly poisoned by acid rain. This very same rain is soaking into the water table from which we draw our drinking water. Our food is grown in the same conditions we are living under. It is no wonder our state of health is rapidity declining! We have acidity every which way from breathing, eating and drinking from chemically unbalanced sources. This can only produce an acidic (read inflamed) , unbalanced body.

It is our personal responsibility to be conscious of our chemical design and our interdependency on the Universe, Earth and Nature. We begin to heal by alkalizing our cellular body through clean air/deep breathing (use plants to help cleanse surrounding air), clean mineral water from glass bottles, and bio-organically grown foods that have not been genetically engineered. The fourth part to all this is to feed our mind with thought provoking material. Our thinking mind is our functional spirit so to not use it is to deny our indwelling spirit. To not use our thinking mind becomes yet another pattern of separation.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What does pH mean in the body?

What does pH mean?

The power of Hydrogen. Hydrogen is a main element of our atomic signature of our physical body. This pH is basically a simple measure of the alkalinity and acidity of our cells. The normal scale is 0-14 with 7 being considered neutral. We are striving to keep ourselves around the 7 mark.

Some symptoms of acidity:

blood sugar challenges
lack of energy
skin issues
acid reflux
fungal problems
inflammation (cells, joints)
fat accumulation

What causes acidity?

1) Poor food choices and ingestion of same (processed sugars, simple carbs, pesticides etc)

2) This leads to poor assimilation and creates more acid/alkaline imbalance

3) This leads to poor elimination which creates re-absorption of toxins

4) This creates biological terrain suitable for yeast, Candida, fungi proliferation and they in turn continue to create more acidity (toxins)

5) More acid we become, the more yeast, fungi are created that rob us of nutrients and create more toxins

6) The higher the toxic load, the more our cells become compromised and the less efficient the body becomes, the more ailments we have…

7) The less oxygen we have in our cells and the more carbon dioxide we have. Even Earth has the same issue!

8) The less oxygen we have, the greater our brain fog

9) The greater the brain fog, the less we are able to use our thinking mind in a positive manner and our thoughts become toxic

10) Toxic thoughts lead to acid puddles in the nerves!

Cellular acidity and alkalinity, when in balance, offer us vitality and health. Each cell in our body has both a positive and a negative charge to it. On the inside of our cell the biological terrain is acid and holds a positive charge. The outside of the cell is alkaline and holds a negative charge. Our body tries to maintain its balance and excretes excess through the kidneys (urine) and sweat is another avenue used.
If the acid levels are too high the body will not be able to excrete the excess and must either store it in fat or buffer it with minerals from organs and bones to neutralize it. This acid state of the cells causes inflamation and when the cells are inflamed, the body is challenged to drop fat and to heal.

The first urine sample in the morning will more than likely be a little more acidic than later in the day because the kidneys have been working with the rest of the body to expel the excess acid and it has been accumulating in the bladder. Having said that please note that in a balanced body the strip should not read less than 6.5 and is preferable to have the strip read 6.75 in the morning. This is a metabolic reading and is indicative of the health of the cells and the body’s ability to metabolize and neutralize acids. The second urine sample on arising should have a neutral reading of 7. A composite reading over time will allow a better indication of the health of the body as no single reading is a very good indication of overall acid/alkaline state. Maintaining a 6.5 to 7.5 ratio is the optimum range where the body can absorb nutrients (from air, food, water) to restores itself.

It is a very simple formula really. If we do not know who we are as energy first and as a physical body (matter), then we will not see/accept the relationship and relevance of clean air, organically grown foods (bio-organic is the best) and clean mineral rich water to our health of our thinking mind, loving emotions, Spirit senses and of our physical body. Until we are willing to know who we are, we are challenged to change. all change begins in the mind and I feel is translated into the pH balance of our cells. This is a reflection of the internal balance of our dual Soul mind and emotions.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

toxicity ...

I have been thinking about toxicity a lot of late and what it all means. My next class is on toxicity and symptoms of same and a cleansing program using the foods of nature as one focus of the program. So because of this my awareness is heightened as to what others are saying/offering. I have noticed a lot of people offering “detox diets” and supplements to assist in detoxifying the body of accumulated “toxins” that run the chemical gamut of “foreign to our chemical physical design.” What this shows me is that people have awareness that we are polluting ourselves and coming up with all sorts of combinations of chemicals to assists our detoxifying process. I feel that a lot of these supplements are actually adding to our toxic overload and fleshing out some pockets at the same time. They also have not, to my mind, connected our thoughts, emotions and senses to the quality and quantity of the air, food and water and our health. They have externalized, and therefore separated, their thinking and their proposed “solutions.”

As a society, we are “hemorrhaging” and we are all focusing externally on developing the best and most elaborate band aide money can buy. Very few are recognizing that we are the problem and we have to ask ourselves why and what is causing the problem in the first place. Very few recognize that when we separate ourselves from quality and quantity of Nature, Earth and Universe that we separate ourselves from our health and love of life…of living. We are living in a cesspool that we have created. We have trashed Earth and poisoned the soil and then we wonder why we are having health issues. Once again I just have to say “Duh!”

Toxicity of our cells, of our mind, of Nature, Earth and even the Universe are not separate. We share a chemical pattern. Let me begin with the Universe and our unconscious dumping into space all unwanted hardware...not to mention the energy of negative thoughts! Think of all the space debris we have “left” there from our various forays into space….not to mention the tearing of the fabric of space in the process, but that is another story. We have countless aged, dead, dying satellites orbiting around in the magnetic field of Earth. What does all this “foreign” metal do to the electro-magnetic energy field of Earth? I have to wonder if this debris that we have so cavalierly abandoned to space is not also impacting the energy field of space. How? I do not know exactly. I know that we are a fractal pattern of the Universe so I think of being a chemical consciousness (or unconsciousness) and knowing that we ALL are electro-magnetic (chemical) energy, each with its own energy field. I reflect on how my energy field can be distorted dramatically from how I am thinking and the emotions I am using and externally from the electro-pollution that abounds in “normal” living and it can be a challenge to maintain my balance on all levels. With this stream of thinking I find it an easy move to extrapolate my energy field (from my thoughts and emotions and senses) out to interact with Nature, Earth and the Universe and to see that nothing is separate. ALL IS.

We are a combination of the chemicals of space (and our DNA pattern differs by .1% from a banana and rocks from Mars showing yet again how we are a part of the Whole) so continuing on with this train of thought, it stands to reason that as we are affected from external pollution, then so to must the Universe and Earth also be impacted, maybe not to the same degree, but impacted nevertheless. So that is one level to look at. There is Earth’s wobble that is noted by scientists, and I am surprised someone doesn’t just look at it all and say “Duh!” and then set about cleaning up the mess and begin to clear up the orbiting debris. The same goes for Earth and Nature. We have polluted Earth so horribly inside and out (from space debris, to burying toxic waste in the Earth and dumping into our oceans. Nothing has escaped our ignorance) that Nature is challenged to grow well and we eat from Nature so it should be no surprise as to why we have so much disease and basic unhappiness going on! How can we be healthy and happy when our chemical supply (from Earth and Nature) is so polluted? We are only as healthy and happy (shows in dynamic, expansive electro-magnetic energy field) as the food, air and water we take in. Food, air and water are from Nature, Earth and the Universe. So once again we see the inseparability of everything.

So how does all this apply to toxicity of our cells? I am getting to that. I felt I had to go around the Universe to get here. I am trying to allow my mind to go and I am learning to trust (as apposed to judge and control) my thoughts. We can see our interdependence on the Universe, Earth and Nature to the quality and quantity of the air we breath, the water we drink and the foods we eat, and these all have a direct influence to the state of our health; mental, emotional and physical. In a simple test of the pH of our urine we can see where our cellular health is. When our body become too acidic…read toxic!, then we are compromising all systems. When our cells become too acidic, all systems become stressed, our energy drops, and fat begins to accumulate in an effort to “protect” vital organs and acts as storage for toxins in the body. This toxic load stresses everything and just like the wobble in Earth’s rotation, our point of balance is very wobbly at this point. A toxic body/mind is ripe for dis-ease, disease, excess fat, stressed cardio-vascular systems, fungus, bacteria, virus become opportunistic and blood sugar challenges abound. This is just a glimpse of what can happen to us. Of course you could come to class and learn more of the symptoms, cravings and what to do about it all J.
Until next time…go well into this very good day.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

new class series begins in April

I have been invited to run another series of classes on Holistic weight loss and i am thrilled to be able to do this. I have pasted the flyer here with all relevant info.
I learned so much from doing the other class that i am excited to impliment this new learning.

HOLISTIC WEIGHT LOSS…self discovery series


Discover your mental, emotional, sensory triggers and release your blocks to begin your healing journey. With 20 years experience working with clients, I have found a holistic approach to be the most effective in attaining weight loss and lifestyle changes for health.






WHERE? Unity books & Stuff, PITTSBORO 545-0619
WHEN? April 6, 15, 22, 29, May 6 2008 7pm – 9pm.
COST? $25 for first class, $20 after that.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Electro-pollution and our health


Our body is about 80% water and has (hopefully!) a high mineral content. It is this high mineral content within the fluid that allows for high electrical conduction through the cells and the nervous system. This internal electrical communication system is initially generated from our thinking mind and these impulses are sent out via the nervous system to our cells. For the body to restore itself while we are sleeping, it has to be in a more alkaline state so that it can adequately detoxify itself. When there are high electro-magnetic energy fields around us, this contributes to acidity in the body, which means the body is challenged to release fat and to heal and restore itself.

When the thinking mind’s electrical charge meets the magnetic loving emotions, we have light and we have our electro-magnetic energy field. We are chemical beings and as such we vibrate as energy. Vibration is movement and movement = sound. We are essentially a tuning fork of energy. Like all tuning forks, we tune ourselves to the stronger vibration around us, be it positive or negative. For example, being in the presence of someone who has a higher vibration allows us to feel uplifted when we leave because we have raised our energy field. Conversely, sleeping on an electrical blanket is a large negative energy disrupter and interferes with our electro-magnetic energy field dramatically. I know for me, this was disruptive to my energy field to such a degree that I had trouble focusing to know where the door was and was irritable and did not feel rested. I felt totally discombobulated. I was a teenager at this point, so it took a while to figure out that the electric blanket was the problem.

Think about what electrical elements are in your bedroom, a place where we spend about a 1/3rd of our time. Is there a TV?, electric blanket used?, computer running?, cell phones?, clocks?, heat pump through the wall behind the bed? Is there other electric sources? All of these can disrupt our energy field. I had to move my electric clock away from beside my bed because of the units of electric energy it was discharging. It was enough to disrupt my internal cellular communication and electro-magnetic energy field. I am in this room about 8 hours a day and over time I have to wonder what this electro-pollution could do to the health of my cells?

All cells vibrate and divide and their innate intelligence knows when to do this. This applies to every cell from our brain to our little toe and everything in between. What happens, over time, when we are over-exposed to electrical influences while sleeping? This is where the energy tuning fork analogy comes into play because we adjust to the higher live electrical field. Our personal frequency is interfered with and can change and this is confusing to our cells. This interference can accumulate over time to the point of eventually breaking-down the integrity of our cells and disrupting cell division.

Now the question arises of how to know when or if we are experiencing electro-pollution. Here are some symptoms to look out for:
Muscle cramps

How can we neutralize the electro-pollution? First we can eliminate the external sources as best we can. We internally support ourselves through eating the most vibrant freshly picked foods as possible, and make sure that at least 50% is raw. The other components are to breathe deeply (exercise helps this), to drink at least a quart of mineral water per day from a glass bottle, and to feed our mind with thought provoking material. Soaking in a bath is a great way to help neutralize the effect of electro-pollution (whether it is from an electrical appliance, from our own internal negative thoughts or from a negative thinking person). We have our own internal electro-pollution. Our thoughts create electric firing of the nervous system and when our thoughts are negative the chemical response is to have the fight/flight hormones dumping into our nervous system. When thoughts are negative, they do not have the high electrical charge arcing to reach the loving emotions to create an entirely different energy field. Until we can shift our thinking mind out of its ego shell of fear beliefs, we are living in a state of internal electro-pollution. This makes for a very acidic body.

If you want to learn more about the external influences of electro-pollution then I offer these authors and books:
Becker, Robert O. Cross Currents. 1990
Oschman, James. Energy Medicine. 2000
Kathy Oddenino offers the internal path to neutralizing electro-pollution (from a negative ego-bound mind) and expanding the positive energy fields of our minds through her 8 books on Spiritual Philosophy and her seminars.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Without Nature we do not have our health.

I had always been told that Blackberries and Raspberries “boosted blood” and gave us energy. I absorbed the family lore and have built upon it. I now know that these two berries are power-packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and are nature’s antibiotics. These facts actually back up the “blood boosting” capabilities accepted and known by the older family members.

I look back at the older generation and recognize their innate knowing and understanding of Nature and its relationship to our health. Without Nature we did not have health. They may not have known about antioxidants and minerals and vitamins and how they all relate to cellular function but they did know that iron (among other elements) is found in these two berries and that it offered us energy and health. I have been thinking about this and know that iron is necessary to attract oxygen from the air, food and water to stimulate the body’s metabolism and boost energy levels. When this happens, the tissues can slough off the accumulated toxins much easier. This is the perfection of Nature and the timing of the growth of various fruits and vegetables. Everything works together in harmony. To step away from Nature is to be out of harmony and this produces a toxic load for our body to deal with. This means the body becomes to acidic and ripe for imbalance and disease to take root.

The older generation may not have known the chemical components and what each element did but they did know that nature has wisdom and to eat in rhythm with Nature offered health. They were wise enough to know that the foods that came available according to season and weather were what the body required. An example of this was to have cucumbers and tomatoes ready to eat in early summer. They were placed in a bowl of malt vinegar and were used as raw foods. This was said to stimulate the liver and clean up the body. I have learned that this dish acts as a “detoxer” and is a perfect salad dish after the heavier warming foods of winter. This is yet another example of living their wisdom. My aunt is 86 years old and is living on her own in New Zealand. She still maintains a large garden and I feel has a strong constitution because of it. She would say it is common sense to have your own garden…and I agree with her!

Another memory of axioms heard in regard to healing was, “you often get worse before you get better.” I have been thinking about this and what it means to me. I know we do not develop serious illness or toxic tissue over night and therefore we are not going to heal over night. Just as we do not become 50 pounds heavier over night, we will not wake up the next morning to be wearing a svelte figure again. If we get sick and are carrying a large toxic load we have to be patient with ourselves and work in harmony with Mother Nature and allow natural law to reverse the damage to our body.

I feel the body returns to health by back-tracking through the illness or weight gain until it can finds its pattern of health. I think of getting lost while driving and attempt to reverse my course until I find familiar roads again. This pattern makes “sense” to me and allows my mind to expand on the memories of expressions passed down through the family.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

oxygen as part of our chemical design

My thoughts this morning….I have been thinking about our chemical design of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and a small percentage of essential minerals and how the body feels as energy when balanced… not only within me but how it feels when doing NDP™ on another…..what about the cellular energy when it is in a more acid state? What happens to it? What does the energy feel like? Can I identify it as chaotic? It would have to be because it is not balanced.

Just take oxygen as a part of our chemical design. Oxygen helps to neutralizes acidosis in the cells and this allows the cells to replicate themselves accurately and contribute to the health of the person. Exercise brings in added oxygen to the cells. Water brings in 2 molecules of oxygen to feed the cells. Fresh foods (raw) contribute to the alkalinity of the cells through enzyme activity and oxygen. All work together to give life through….selection of:
· Air
· Food
· Water
· Mastication
· Absorption
· Elimination.

If there is a break in this pattern then there is a break down in the cellular function which means a break down of our health. The waste produced by foods is highly acidic and if we are not eliminating then we are reabsorbing the toxins and adding to the acidosis of our body. Urine and sweat is how the acid waste is excreted from the human body when the energy is balanced, and when the body is not balanced, the waste circulates through our systems and eventually accumulates in our capillaries and begins to clog up and disrupt the natural function of the body. This increase in acid immediately short circuits the oxygen from being utilized and we have embarked upon a slippery slope towards disease and an early death.

For example, the body creates lactic acid when physically pushed hard. When excessive physical activity is had and the body is not fully supported with plenty of water and fresh raw foods to help the cells neutralize the accumulated acid waste, then the lactic acid acts as a poison to the cell. With this in mind it is easy to see that keeping the body in a pH balance is our best (and critical) method of defense for health.
And so my thoughts go this morning.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Variety as the spice of life.

I woke up with this thought of variety as the spice of life. It is something I have heard since I was knee high to the grasshopper. I am not sure I knew what it meant other than it is good to try different things. And so my child mind has grown up.

I have been thinking about variety and how we must have variety in the foods we eat, not only daily but seasonally, and how much of this is habitual. Then I was thinking about exercise and the same thing applies. We know that we become physically unbalanced or hurt if we do the same exercise repeatedly. We have a concept of mixing the exercises up to cover the basic large muscle groups such as something for the legs, which usually doubles as a cardiovascular exercise, them we do something for the chest and triceps and them back and biceps. So by the end of the week we have pushed and pulled and worked our legs and if we are lucky and motivated, we have done some abdominal work. Once we get a “program” we tend to stick to it.

This is the same pattern as our eating. We have foods we like and we generally stick to them. At the end of the week, we have been on an exercise “diet” and we have also been on an eating “diet” and when the thinking is habitual, we have a thinking “diet.”

I use the word “diet” deliberately. The first 3 letters of the word spell “die.” The Concise Oxford Dictionary has defined diet as “…feed (person, oneself) on special food as medical regimen or punishment. Diet originates from the Greek word, diaita, meaning “way of life”.

Our “way of life” has become a form of punishment because there is no variety in our thinking, in our attitude, our choice of words, in our choices of food, and types of exercise we do, or do not do. No variety in life equals no spice! Spice to me is animation and living to the full sensory, thinking, loving emotional experience possible. If we are not doing this, then we are living the opposite and punishment of stasis becomes the norm. Our lives on all levels and facets become conditioned and squeezed into a box of conformity and habit. This comes down to mindless movement and mindless eating and all stem from a mind that is not thinking leaving us with less mind. We seem to stop thinking once we have a routine established and we become robotic sleepwalkers. This is not living.

There are some things that are good to have as routine to make our transitions from sleep to work easier. Routines are good to have in that they allow an easy flow to occur. Then there is the fine line between routine and habit. In my mind, the difference is habit goes with an unthinking mind and routine is about being conscious and when one is conscious then adaptability and flexibility are infused into routine. This offers us organization and structure within and without.

I am not focused on what the numbers on a scale say and have not been at any time in this life but this does not mean I have not been on a diet! I did my first food diary years ago now and was amazed to discover just how habitual my selections had become. I was buying the same thing week in and week out with a modicum of variety. I like vegetables and fruits. I discovered I was buying the same fruits and the vegetables did have a slightly broader range than the fruits. Once this came to my attention I shifted gears immediately and tried to vary the fruits and the vegetables and felt the difference immediately within my cells. It really is about being conscious, being mindful, and changing. This is the spice of life.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

some other links worth reading.....

I offer these two links that offer different perspectives and are least they are to me. Do check them out. I do not think you will be disappointed.
Go well into this very grand day....carpe diem!

This blog is posted by a good friend of mine so i hope you enjoy her writing as much as i do....

Friday, February 8, 2008

sugars, fat and inflamation of cells

A client showed me what he was using to snack on and the first ingredient was fructose and a little further down the list of ingredients was high fructose corn syrup. I was amazed and not surprised that he was struggling to lose a few pounds.

Fructose is as deadly in the body as high fructose corn syrup. It is a bit like putting sugat in the gas tank of our car and expecting good performance! These sugars are what I call “dead food” (as in lethal!) because they have no vibration as a result of having absolutely no nutritional value. I feel the same way about processed cereals. The contents may have started out as living foods but in the process of getting it into a pretty box for supermarket shelves, the “living foods” had the stuffing knocked out of them and any relationship to life and goodness that could be transferred to our cells is totally gone in the end product. The food has no life-force left in them.

The infusion of fructose, and high fructose corn syrup into “food stuffs” really should be held up as an offense against humanity as detrimental to our health and well being. These chemicals hold no enzymes to begin the break down of foods, nor do they contain any vitamins or essential minerals. Because of this lack, these “dead foods” interfere with the natural functions of the body and impede essential organs from using essential minerals. When I see the word “essential” I take it to mean I require them to function well.

If we look at when fructose corn syrup became imbued in the American food chain and looked at the dramatic rise in obesity and related illnesses, I feel we do not have to look too far to see a direct correlation to the synthetic, artificial “foods” we have been ingesting. We have to look at the quality and the quantity of our foods, air and water we are taking in. This is just one small example of how we are killing ourselves and creating a lot of pain and discomfort along the way. These synthetic foods we are eating are setting up a tremendous inflammatory state within our cells because these “foods” do not follow the natural (Nature) pattern of our design. It is well known that the body is challenged to heal and lose excess fat when the cells are inflamed. To eat “foods” containing high fructose corn syrup, for example and man-made synthetic chemicals is a perfect recipe for inflammation of cells, excess fat and all diseases that it brings with it when the body is out of balance.

We are going to be as healthy as the soil and the foods grown in it. Steiner has this part of the equation for health correct. To look around at the general population we can see that we have a major health problem. We have an epidemic of excess fat, and this epidemic is symbolic of our underlying dis-ease. It is in our face and we cannot miss the importance of what we are showing ourselves. We have a choice to be balanced and healthy and to do so we have to accept responsibility to change how we think and act. We have to line up our thinking, with our words and our behaviour with our commitment to change. No one can do this for us, nor can we do this for others. It is all our very “in our face” personal choice and to act on the decision to change is our gift of love to ourself.

We have separated ourselves from mother Earth and Nature and in doing so; we have separated ourselves from our health. Obesity and its related risk factors (heart disease, strokes, diabetes, hypertension to name a few) all have a direct link to the quality and quantity of what we are eating, drinking, breathing and movement of mind and body.

Monday, January 21, 2008

stress and pH of cells and memories etc

Stress acts to deplete the body of trace minerals and minerals, in the same way that a negative attitude does. When stress is the state of mind, digestion, absorption and more than likely, elimination are all affected. Stressful situations are a part of life and I feel they are personal. What is stressful to one person may not be so for another. Preparing a formal dinner for 10, public speaking, doing tax returns, having a loved one die, moving to a different state, finding a snake in the bathtub are just some examples of a range of stress buttons that people experience and not everyone has the same exact buttons.

How to deal with stressful situations and maintain health? Being conscious is the first thing. I think back to my more stressful moments and what was happening to me chemically. It all makes sense now. When my mother was in her transition process, I felt like I stepped out of my life here and lived a huge chunk of it having an incredible experience to just as suddenly return to my life here again and attempt to pick up where I had left off. Everything was the same and yet everything had changed. It was a peculiar state to be in. In 28 days, I had flown thousands of miles to another country, in opposite season, and 17 hour time zone difference. I had spent a week at the hospital with my mother as she said her goodbyes and prepared for her own transition. In the remaining 2 weeks I had arranged her funeral, auctioned off the household and sold the house. All physical ties to town and country had been removed. I returned to the states and picked up my life. Throughout the whole ordeal I was eating well. I still dropped a lot of weight and experienced waves of grief for many months afterwards. I am sure I was in a more acidic state than normal. The one thing I was not doing was supplementing with minerals and vitamins. The stress I was feeling through my grief, used up a lot of minerals, particularly calcium which showed up dramatically with a broken tooth, and this brought on another lot of stress for me. Sometimes i think stress is just another label for giref.

Spiritual philosophy has offered me tools to cope with such things and I am grateful! Even though my mother’s death was an emotional shock, I still felt an internal buoyancy or support that allowed me to achieve a lot in a short time. I feel that each experience is either accepted as stepping stones for growth and change or as stumbling blocks. It all comes back to choice on how we wish to respond to life.

Since my mother has moved on, I am remembering things she used to say. They surface at odd times when a memory node gets nudged and I hear my mother’s voice in my head. There is one memory that came up the other day for me and I sat and savoured it. It was over a cup of tea that Mum said to me, “When you get a handle on patience, everything falls into place.” I felt the profundity of her words. I watched her live this in the last few years of her life and am conscious of the gift she offered. She gifted me with life and her life has continued to offer me treasures. I am finding that the more I learn about my self, the greater my appreciation I have for my mother and the role she played for me. The more I learn, the easier life becomes, the less stress I take on, the healthier I become. Life is good.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Attitude and the pH of our cells

What attitude we chose to wear is solely our choice; it can be either positive or negative, depending on where the mind is focused. When the mind is swirling in negative thoughts, the trace mineral and minerals in the body are used up quickly. This chemical change means there is a shift in our vibration, or energy field. Just as plants take up pesticides and synthetic fertilizers ahead of the minerals of nature and alter their vibratory state with the “foreign” chemicals, so to does our body. Our mind focus determines our attitude, combined with organically produced foods, clean air and water, and all determine our vibration because of the chemicals used and this in turn affects the pH of our cells. A negative mind results in a more acid pH.

The openness of our mind, the gratitude and excitement being lived, build up the trace elements and minerals to a more expanded state. This means that the energy field has a higher vibration and more expansive and therefore, the cellular state is more alkaline. Our natural state of being is to be love and live joyfully. This is health!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Weight Loss and Chemical balance

I was asked what the upcoming class was about and so i offer this as an overview.

I will begin by stating that the body is challenged to drop excess fat when the cells are in a state of inflammation. This is not a new concept. It has been around for a while and has been recognized as the basis of a lot of pain (mental, emotional, physical) and even disease processes. Typically the common course of action is to alleviate the “issue” with more chemicals/drugs that put us further out of balance. We know that pesticides, fungicides, artificial “foods” (man-made and not from/of nature) added sweeteners and dyes are all out of sync with our chemical design. So changing our foods to be of Nature and organically grown is to use food as medicine. It is also the first step towards loving, respecting and valuing self (Nature and Earth) and taking up the reins of personal responsibility to help in change of the health of All.

Do you know the body has pH levels like the soil does? Just as plants grow best with the right pH level, the pH of the body has a large bearing on the health of the cells. When our body becomes too acidic, we become “ripe” for dis-ease, disease and basically a sick body. A sick body means that our mind and emotional state are also affected because we are a total package of energy of mind, emotion and spirit. It is all reflected into the body.

Hippocrates said, “You are what you eat” and this is true. We are intricately and intimately connected through the chemicals of the foods from Nature, the water and minerals of Earth, and the air from the Universe. When we pollute Nature and Earth with pesticides, use chemicals to force growth, genetically engineer crops, dump toxic chemicals into our ground-water supply or empty toxic chemicals into the air, we pollute our chemical balance. We open ourselves up for inflammation and disease. Whatever we eat, we have to ask this question. How was it grown or processed? We are not separate from our “home on Earth” any more than we are separate from our “body as our home.” We are truly what we eat.

When we are chemically out of balance, we can be in a state of inflammation. It is challenging to lose weight when the cells are inflamed.I like to flip this truism of Hippocrates around to “eat what you are” as I think of our atomic signature being carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, mineral and essential fatty acids, minerals and various combinations of all of these. This is our connection to Earth, Nature and the Universe.

Our thoughts create our reality. It is our choice what our thoughts are. It is our choice of what words we use. It is our choice of what actions we take. Everything is Choice. It is our choice to be in a negative energy field. It is our choice to chase or obsess on things/people/actions (acid producing for cells). Or we can focus our mind in a positive way and produce a positive and expansive energy field…no-one else can make this choice for us. To eat an entire packet of cookies in one sitting (or as a “reward”) is our choice. To allow another’s fear and negativity to expand ours is to create dramas and live in chaos. This action is also showing how a negative mind is running the show and dictating all actions.

Everything is related and therefore cannot be separated in any way, shape or form. This means that to address health, nutrition and weight loss, I have to bring in how the mind is thinking, what the feeling sense is being lived and what emotions are being used. This also applies to the physical movement, stage in life and stress and all are dependant upon the quality and quantity of air, food and water being ingested. These then relate to the health of us, the Earth, Nature and Universe. The bottom line is that it does not matter where we begin or end as all areas are interwoven and interpenetrated and there is not one thing that can stand on its own. It is our thinking mind that determines our energy field we chose to live in.

Nothing is separate and “nothing comes from nothing.” Everything begins with the mind and is reflected into the body.

Want to hear more on Holistic Weight Loss and Health? Call 919-545-0619 to reserve a seat for a class on January 23rd at 7 pm at Unity Books & Stuff in downtown Pittsboro....or contact me directly

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

an upcoming class


An Introduction to


Discover your emotional, mental, sensory triggers and release your blocks to begin your healing journey. With 20 years experience working with clients, I have found a holistic approach to be the most effective in attaining weight loss and lifestyle changes for health.




Raewyn Cooper M.S, CNDP

Where? Unity Books & Stuff, PITTSBORO ….919 545-0619
When? January 23rd 2008 @ 7-9 pm
Cost? $25.00 … bring notepaper and pen