Saturday, January 5, 2008

Weight Loss and Chemical balance

I was asked what the upcoming class was about and so i offer this as an overview.

I will begin by stating that the body is challenged to drop excess fat when the cells are in a state of inflammation. This is not a new concept. It has been around for a while and has been recognized as the basis of a lot of pain (mental, emotional, physical) and even disease processes. Typically the common course of action is to alleviate the “issue” with more chemicals/drugs that put us further out of balance. We know that pesticides, fungicides, artificial “foods” (man-made and not from/of nature) added sweeteners and dyes are all out of sync with our chemical design. So changing our foods to be of Nature and organically grown is to use food as medicine. It is also the first step towards loving, respecting and valuing self (Nature and Earth) and taking up the reins of personal responsibility to help in change of the health of All.

Do you know the body has pH levels like the soil does? Just as plants grow best with the right pH level, the pH of the body has a large bearing on the health of the cells. When our body becomes too acidic, we become “ripe” for dis-ease, disease and basically a sick body. A sick body means that our mind and emotional state are also affected because we are a total package of energy of mind, emotion and spirit. It is all reflected into the body.

Hippocrates said, “You are what you eat” and this is true. We are intricately and intimately connected through the chemicals of the foods from Nature, the water and minerals of Earth, and the air from the Universe. When we pollute Nature and Earth with pesticides, use chemicals to force growth, genetically engineer crops, dump toxic chemicals into our ground-water supply or empty toxic chemicals into the air, we pollute our chemical balance. We open ourselves up for inflammation and disease. Whatever we eat, we have to ask this question. How was it grown or processed? We are not separate from our “home on Earth” any more than we are separate from our “body as our home.” We are truly what we eat.

When we are chemically out of balance, we can be in a state of inflammation. It is challenging to lose weight when the cells are inflamed.I like to flip this truism of Hippocrates around to “eat what you are” as I think of our atomic signature being carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, mineral and essential fatty acids, minerals and various combinations of all of these. This is our connection to Earth, Nature and the Universe.

Our thoughts create our reality. It is our choice what our thoughts are. It is our choice of what words we use. It is our choice of what actions we take. Everything is Choice. It is our choice to be in a negative energy field. It is our choice to chase or obsess on things/people/actions (acid producing for cells). Or we can focus our mind in a positive way and produce a positive and expansive energy field…no-one else can make this choice for us. To eat an entire packet of cookies in one sitting (or as a “reward”) is our choice. To allow another’s fear and negativity to expand ours is to create dramas and live in chaos. This action is also showing how a negative mind is running the show and dictating all actions.

Everything is related and therefore cannot be separated in any way, shape or form. This means that to address health, nutrition and weight loss, I have to bring in how the mind is thinking, what the feeling sense is being lived and what emotions are being used. This also applies to the physical movement, stage in life and stress and all are dependant upon the quality and quantity of air, food and water being ingested. These then relate to the health of us, the Earth, Nature and Universe. The bottom line is that it does not matter where we begin or end as all areas are interwoven and interpenetrated and there is not one thing that can stand on its own. It is our thinking mind that determines our energy field we chose to live in.

Nothing is separate and “nothing comes from nothing.” Everything begins with the mind and is reflected into the body.

Want to hear more on Holistic Weight Loss and Health? Call 919-545-0619 to reserve a seat for a class on January 23rd at 7 pm at Unity Books & Stuff in downtown Pittsboro....or contact me directly

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