Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Attitude and the pH of our cells

What attitude we chose to wear is solely our choice; it can be either positive or negative, depending on where the mind is focused. When the mind is swirling in negative thoughts, the trace mineral and minerals in the body are used up quickly. This chemical change means there is a shift in our vibration, or energy field. Just as plants take up pesticides and synthetic fertilizers ahead of the minerals of nature and alter their vibratory state with the “foreign” chemicals, so to does our body. Our mind focus determines our attitude, combined with organically produced foods, clean air and water, and all determine our vibration because of the chemicals used and this in turn affects the pH of our cells. A negative mind results in a more acid pH.

The openness of our mind, the gratitude and excitement being lived, build up the trace elements and minerals to a more expanded state. This means that the energy field has a higher vibration and more expansive and therefore, the cellular state is more alkaline. Our natural state of being is to be love and live joyfully. This is health!

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