Friday, February 8, 2008

sugars, fat and inflamation of cells

A client showed me what he was using to snack on and the first ingredient was fructose and a little further down the list of ingredients was high fructose corn syrup. I was amazed and not surprised that he was struggling to lose a few pounds.

Fructose is as deadly in the body as high fructose corn syrup. It is a bit like putting sugat in the gas tank of our car and expecting good performance! These sugars are what I call “dead food” (as in lethal!) because they have no vibration as a result of having absolutely no nutritional value. I feel the same way about processed cereals. The contents may have started out as living foods but in the process of getting it into a pretty box for supermarket shelves, the “living foods” had the stuffing knocked out of them and any relationship to life and goodness that could be transferred to our cells is totally gone in the end product. The food has no life-force left in them.

The infusion of fructose, and high fructose corn syrup into “food stuffs” really should be held up as an offense against humanity as detrimental to our health and well being. These chemicals hold no enzymes to begin the break down of foods, nor do they contain any vitamins or essential minerals. Because of this lack, these “dead foods” interfere with the natural functions of the body and impede essential organs from using essential minerals. When I see the word “essential” I take it to mean I require them to function well.

If we look at when fructose corn syrup became imbued in the American food chain and looked at the dramatic rise in obesity and related illnesses, I feel we do not have to look too far to see a direct correlation to the synthetic, artificial “foods” we have been ingesting. We have to look at the quality and the quantity of our foods, air and water we are taking in. This is just one small example of how we are killing ourselves and creating a lot of pain and discomfort along the way. These synthetic foods we are eating are setting up a tremendous inflammatory state within our cells because these “foods” do not follow the natural (Nature) pattern of our design. It is well known that the body is challenged to heal and lose excess fat when the cells are inflamed. To eat “foods” containing high fructose corn syrup, for example and man-made synthetic chemicals is a perfect recipe for inflammation of cells, excess fat and all diseases that it brings with it when the body is out of balance.

We are going to be as healthy as the soil and the foods grown in it. Steiner has this part of the equation for health correct. To look around at the general population we can see that we have a major health problem. We have an epidemic of excess fat, and this epidemic is symbolic of our underlying dis-ease. It is in our face and we cannot miss the importance of what we are showing ourselves. We have a choice to be balanced and healthy and to do so we have to accept responsibility to change how we think and act. We have to line up our thinking, with our words and our behaviour with our commitment to change. No one can do this for us, nor can we do this for others. It is all our very “in our face” personal choice and to act on the decision to change is our gift of love to ourself.

We have separated ourselves from mother Earth and Nature and in doing so; we have separated ourselves from our health. Obesity and its related risk factors (heart disease, strokes, diabetes, hypertension to name a few) all have a direct link to the quality and quantity of what we are eating, drinking, breathing and movement of mind and body.


Retha said...

Dear Rae - Your post reminds me of all the bottled sauces we used to buy. I can remember when I was first introduced with the idea of buying organic meats and produce, my mouth went dry. I thought boring foods, no variety, undressed salads, expensive. How was I going to manage? The first meat products we bought from Polyface ( eggs and a chicken. My husband and I roasted the chicken, pulled it out of the oven. We each pulled off a wing for a taste at the kitchen counter. We were in heaven! The intensity of the flavor was amazing. We literally stood there and finished both breasts and one set of legs before we finally sat down at the table to consume the side dishes. What was amazing to me is that we needed no sauce to make the chicken taste exciting. We didn't need ketchup, bar-b-que or whatever other bottled (or plastic) glop to cover or add to the flavor. We grill steaks or pork chops and eat them simply. Organic produce too have the same intensity of flavor requiring little "dressing." I am amazed that it is all over the news that buying organic is expensive. Is it really? They didn't ask me! Since we don't need bottled or packaged items or heaven forbid condensed mushroom soup to cover up the taste of these nutrient dense whole foods I find my grocery bills is significally less than before. I could talk for hours about Polyface eggs . . . a nice running yolk on top of salad for breakfast is one of our favorites!
Warm hugs - Retha

Raewyn said...

Thank you for the wonderful comment...I do appreciate it. By the time i got to the end of your description i had a "swill" going on in my mouth at the thought of eggs and chicken.
It is wonderful to clean up our cells through clean air, food and water....and this all supports the change in our mental, emotional and sensory expansion as you know. allowing our senses to communicate in such a rich and expansive manner is perfectly thrilling you are discoverying.
carpe diem!