Saturday, September 15, 2007

weight is about the mind

I have been thinking about this blog and trying to find a rhythm in writing and not limiting myself to physical weight loss. It is challenging to show that everything is related. As the book title by P. Costner says “We all live downstream.” This is a physical situation yet it is just a reflection of our thinking. Our thoughts create our reality. It is our choice what our thoughts are. Our choice of what words we use. Our choice of what actions we take. Everything is Choice. It is our choice to be in a negative energy field and chase or obsess on things/people/actions. Or we can focus our mind in a positive way and produce a positive and expansive energy field…no-one else can make this choice for us. To eat an entire packet of cookies in one sitting (or as a “reward”) is our choice. To allow another’s fear and negativity to expand ours is to create dramas and live in chaos. This action is also showing how a negative mind is running the show and dictating actions.

I found when I began writing the draft for my Holistic Approach to Weight Loss and Health booklet that every which way I turned I ran into the Ego beliefs…or Cosmic egg as it is referred to sometimes…and it is from this negative state that we have to hatch ourselves out of our own shell. Our subconscious negative beliefs that we have brought with us lifetime after lifetime are our limiting template that we mindlessly follow in life. To effectively change our life we have to address our beliefs which means using our thinking mind. Typically a lazy mind will sit on top of a lazy body.

I had clients who lost weight through exercise and food changes (minimal) but refused to look internally at themselves. The weight invariably returned and with vengeance. Why? They had not changed their relationship to their beliefs. Their fear of change was greater than their control/war-like attitude of “battling” their waistline. Their thoughts were negative and therefore inflaming to their cellular structure. To live with negative thinking dumps stress hormones into the nervous system on a 24/7 basis and eventually our bodies break down in some area.

I will begin by stating that the body is challenged to drop excess fat when the cells are in a state of inflammation. This is not a new concept. It has been around for a while and has been recognized as the basis of a lot of pain and even disease processes. Typically the common course of action is to alleviate the “issue” with more chemicals that put our nervous system further out of balance. I wonder how many people have asked themselves why they are in an inflamed state? We know that pesticides, fungicides, artificial “foods” (man-made and not from/of nature) added sweeteners and dyes are all out of sync with our chemical design. So changing our foods to be of Nature and organically grown is to use food as medicine. It is also the first step towards loving, respecting and valuing self (Nature and Earth) and taking up the reins of personal responsibility to help in change of the health of All. Also well known is the pH of the body has a large bearing on the health of the cells. When our body becomes too acidic we become “ripe” for dis-ease, disease and basically a sick body. To have a sick body means that our mind and emotional state is also ailing.

Weight is about the mind! Well, everything begins in the mind; we have to become conscious of what we are thinking. Sometimes it is not easy to catch our thoughts but not to worry because our thoughts are going to show up in our language and in our actions. So there is no hiding what is going on inside of us and our level of consciousness.

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